GET T5 Mini Batten

GET has added more practical new products to its range of low energy under cabinet lighting. Following the success of the T4 Mini Batten, GET has now introduced the T5 Mini Batten. As well as being stylish and functional, it satisfies the current demand for energy saving products by using a low energy 3500K tube, which reduces running costs for the consumer and its impact on the environment. It also conforms to Part L of the Building Regulations.

The new GET T5 Mini Batten offers superb energy saving styling for any working environment and is available in four sizes – 12” (8W), 21” (13W), 36” (21W) and 48” (28W) and can be mounted vertically or horizontally. The battens come complete with a link cable, allowing users to simply click together as many battens as required. Each batten remains individually switched, allowing the user to control the light levels. The new T5 Mini Battens also incorporate an electronic flicker-free operation for quick and energy efficient start up.

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