Wieland Electric wiePLAN Software

Wieland Electric Ltd has upgraded its wiePLAN software package for DIN rail terminal block configurations. It uses distinctive animation effects to produce drawings, parts lists and ordering information for both individual terminals and fully assembled terminal rails. wiePLAN also includes accessories, marking options and library functions. The initial selection of terminals does not require knowledge of part or type numbers as wiePLAN can auto-select against wire size, function, voltage etc.

Wieland’s wiePLAN 3.0 software can be linked to the CAE engineering tool ePLAN 5 and its successor system Electric P8 from ePLAN Software & Service. Thus, control cabinet configurations can be completed much faster as Wieland component data can now be used consistently. wiePLAN 3.0 supplements any missing technical data and directly integrates it into circuit diagrams and parts lists, while the bi-directional interface to the CAE tools closes a gap that has existed in the engineering flow so far, enabling direct data exchange between the systems. The benefits are easy data import and export, quicker project editing, data processing compatible with manufacturing and assembly and more efficient control cabinet planning.

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