Moeller Efergy

The surest way to reduce your carbon footprint is to understand where your electricity is being used. The new efergy wireless energy monitor from Moeller Electric makes it easy to do both in the home, office or small building.

Efergy needs no specialist installation and is easy to use, but clearly shows the amount of electricity being consumed at any time, the total amount of money being spent on electricity, the difference made by switching off an appliance, and how much money could be saved by reducing usage. It can also be used to estimate CO2 emissions and to display historical and average data collected over days, weeks and months.

The efergy comprises three components – a clip on sensor, a transmitter and a portable display unit with a large, easy-to-read LCD screen. The sensor is simply clipped around the supply cable close to the consumer unit – since the supply cable doesn’t need to be disconnected, no special know-how or experience is required. The sensor plugs into the transmitter, which needs no other connections.

The display unit communicates wirelessly with the transmitter and has no wired connections at all. It can be used anywhere within 40 metres of the transmitter, allowing it to be placed wherever it can be conveniently observed. It can even be carried around the house when testing the effect of switching off various appliances.

Tests have shown that just by understanding where the electricity is being used, most users easily achieve sustained energy savings of between 5 and 20%, making it an ideal resource for energy efficiency projects. It is also useful for producing the data needed in home information packs, and for evaluating energy usage in commercial developments such as community housing.

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