TridonicAtco, the new white LEDs

TridonicAtco has significantly improved the white light appearance of its LEDs by reducing their colour tolerances. Part of the TALEXX brand, white LEDs from TridonicAtco are now fully reproducible with no discernible colour location discrepancies, and differences in white light perception have been significantly reduced. In response to customer’s demands, TridonicAtco has introduced a new, unique production process that is supported by adjustments to the colour definition and measurement method. TridonicAtco is the only manufacturer in the world to offer white LEDs in accordance with the CIE 1964 Colour Space Standard, which very closely corresponds to the sensitivity of the human eye. Colour location definition based on this standard is consequently more appropriate for applications in which colour perception over a large area is an important criterion, such as large illuminated advertising signs. The new white LEDs will be used for signage, general illumination and spotlighting.

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