Aura Corporation Venus Luminaire

Specialist manufacturer of polarised daylight lighting systems, Aura Corporation, has just launched the Actulite Venus luminaire.

The new attractive Venus luminaire uses the Actulite polarised daylight lighting system to produce a quality of light identical to natural daylight. It offers direct and indirect illumination in commercial applications and with its single 55W PL lamp provides higher lumen efficiency than a comparable 70W T5 luminaire.

The 600mm x 600mm recessed luminaire uses a patented Actulite flat central panel with two curved Actulite wings to give direct polarised daylight whilst reflecting indirect light down from over the top of the wings. The internal lenses are built within the Auramag® magnetically attached aluminium frame which contains a 3mm polycarbonate sealed panel to prevent ingress of insects, dust and liquids and also meets T.P(a) (class one fire). The Auramag® diffuser panels use specially developed neodymium magnets to hold the panels into position, providing ease of access and allowing ‘no tools’ removal for routine maintenance and lamp changes.

The Actulite patented light polarising panels and high frequency control gear provide glare-free, shadowless lighting that emits a true colour light virtually identical to natural daylight. The system uses full spectrum fluorescent lighting to increase contrast by 8%, resulting in an increase of visual acuity of 120% so that a normal 500 lux requirement can be reduced down to 350 lux, reducing energy consumption by 30%. Polarised daylight lighting also reduces eyestrain, headaches and visual tension in comparison to standard fluorescent lighting and promotes a subconscious feeling of well-being, making Actulite lighting ideal for application in organisations and businesses across a variety of sectors, from offices, factories and warehouses, to museums and schools.

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