Making extractor fans more energy efficient
A cowl designed to counteract the adverse effects of external wind on the performance of mechanical extract ventilation systems and passive vents has been launched by National Ventilation. The patented Energysaver Grille is up to 20% less resistant to airflow and can make any extractor fan up to 20% more energy efficient. The cowl also alleviates ‘blow back’ further increasing efficiency and reducing energy consumption.
The cowl also alleviates ‘blow back’ further increasing efficiency and reducing energy consumption.Conventional grilles, even those with gravity flaps, are adversely affected by upward and cross winds that reduce their effective area. This has serious implications, particularly in relation to energy consumption and the statutory fresh air requirement for gas vents and energy consumption.
The standard test to determine effective area is measured in outside ‘still air’ conditions and wind effect can reduce this by up to 50%. Wind speeds as low as 5m/sec will make it impossible for most domestic mechanical ventilators to achieve 15l/sec extraction.
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