Cardiff safety conference: 2-for-1 delegate offer
HazardEx is pleased to announce that the HazardEx in the Regions seminars & exhibitions have returned! The second in the series will be staged in Cardiff on the 24th November at the Barcelo Angel Hotel. Read More
2-for-1 degate offer: The cost is £99+vat for two attendees which includes the conference, teas/coffee/lunch & a delegate pack with information about the papers to take away - Ending soon, book now to take advantage!
The programme will be a mix of industry experts and end users presenting their knowledge and first hand experiences with regard to how their plant operates safely. Despite global legal directives and increased knowledge & awareness, incidents continue to occur due to oversight, disregard of the safety stipulations & requirements and essentially human error.
09:00 – 09:45 Conference registration and exhibition open to delegates
09:45 – 09:50 Chairman’s opening remarks
Ignition Hazards: Radio Frequency Ignition-The Assessment Challenge
Huw Jones, Dow Corning
COMAH sites have to consider all ignition sources when dealing with DSEAR. The most common sources of ignition such as equipment failure, static electricity and the use of non certified equipment are normally comprehensively dealt with through the diligent application of the ATEX User Directive. One potential source of ignition that is not so well publicised or conspicuous is that from radio frequency radiation. Electromagnetic waves produced by radio frequency transmitters will induce electric currents and voltages in any conducting structure on which they impinge. The magnitude of these induced currents and voltages depends on a number of factors such as the size and shape of the structure, wavelength of transmission and electromagnetic field strength. When parts of the structure normally in contact are broken or separated momentarily, a spark may occur. If this happens in a location where flammable atmospheres may be present then a hazardous situation can occur. This presentation covers the assessment procedure recommended in published document PD CLC/TR 50427:2004 "Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation – Guide" and also highlights some of the challenges in gathering all the necessary information to ensure that all reasonably foreseeable risks are mitigated
Equipment Protection Concepts: The 'X' Factor-Compulsive Viewing!
Justin Ogleby, Solutia
The ATEX Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) covers "Equipment" and "Protective Systems" which may be used in potentially explosive atmospheres created by the presence of flammable gases, vapours, mists or dust.
"Equipment" is any item, which can be either electrical or nonelectrical, and which contains or constitutes a potential ignition source and which requires special measures to be incorporated in its design and/or its installation in order to prevent the ignition source from initiating an explosion in the surrounding atmospheres.
A wide range of products fall under the definition of equipment, including electric motors, compressors, diesel engines, lighting fittings, control and communication devices and monitoring and detection equipment.
It is important to note that Special Conditions for Safe Use may exist for a product or piece of equipment which set conditions or limitations that if not observed will usually invalidate the hazardous area certification.
Some limitations may relate to temperature ratings or time delays before opening the equipment enclosure after isolation of the power supply, and may have an impact on the operational efficiency of the process.
As all Special Conditions for Safe Use should be considered and taken into account during the selection process for any hazardous area equipment. The User should always ask for this information from all manufacturers in advance of purchasing product, before it is too late! Ultimately, the final equipment selection should always consider the life cycle management impact of these requirements.
Special Conditions for Safe Use have been in existence within CENELEC product certification for a number of years so these are nothing new, but possibly take on a new meaning under our current ATEX focus. These are detailed within the Hazardous area certification document, and the document will usually be identified with a suffix letter 'X' denoting that special conditions for safe use do apply.
Often the special conditions will have an affect not only on the operation of the product or equipment itself but also impact on other aspects of the plant that may be preferably avoided. Conditions for safe use should be, but are not always highlighted to the user by the manufacturer "up front". It may be that if the information were provided more readily and more often, the operator may have chosen different solution!
The 'X' Factor, always compulsive viewing!
Illuminating Fact and Fiction in Lighting
Peter Heyse, Technical Director, STL International
Lighting can be very labour intensive to maintain and when skilled engineers are called upon to replace light bulbs or tubes, the costs can be significant. Choosing the right lighting technology to illuminate the plant, and keep maintenance to a minimum, can be very daunting. LEDs are claimed to revolutionise lighting, but are the energy saving claims justified? Will an LED installation provide sufficient light? How do LED luminaires compaire with long-life induction and fluorescent fittings?
All this, and more, will be discussed in what is anticipated to be a very interactive debate.
11:35 - 12:00
Morning break & exhibition viewing
Understanding and avoiding static electricity ignition hazards
Jeremy Smallwood, Electrostatic Solutions
Using simple but surprising demonstrations, Dr Jeremy Smallwood shows how static electricity can easily build up on objects and materials present in the workplace and lead to ignition of flammable atmospheres. He goes on to discuss some key techniques used in avoiding static electricity ignition hazards in flammable atmosphere Zones.
The IECEx Competency Scheme – The Experience so far
Jeff Healey, Baseefa
The international scheme for Certification of Personnel Competency got underway properly in the summer of 2010, with the acceptance of the first two certification bodies in the scheme, both in the UK. More certification bodies are now under evaluation.
Both Total and Petronas have stated their support for this scheme in previous seminars and conferences and are hoping for early availability of significant numbers of people with the certificate.
The paper will provide some history of the need for, and development of the scheme, as well as concentrating on the practical aspects of how the scheme works and the experience of the initial applicants.
Lunch & exhibition viewing
15.00 – End of event
2-for-1 degate offer: The cost is £99+vat for two attendees which includes the conference, teas/coffee/lunch & a delegate pack with information about the papers to take away
Sponsors for the event include: PEI Genesis and STL International
Exhibiting partners: MHT Technology, Cooper Crouse-Hinds, Detector Electronics and STL International
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