New PAT adaptor for 3 phase equipment testing

Seaward has introduced a specialist new adaptor to extend the range of electrical safety tests that can be carried out on 3-phase equipment.

In many cases this type of industrial equipment is fitted with electronic control circuitry which makes insulation testing inappropriate. In such cases the insulation should be assessed by measurement of the protective conductor current.

The new Seaward TPA test adaptor makes this possible and allows specialist factory, industrial and workshop equipment to be included as part of in-service inspection and testing protocols as required by the IEE Code of Practice.

The specially designed new Seaward TPA unit is available with 16A or IEC 60309/ BS4343 compatible plugs and sockets allowing it to be connected in-line with the 3-phase supply to measure the current flowing in the protective conductor.

The TPA has been developed for use with the new Seaward PrimeTest 250 PAT and extends range of measurements that can be performed on 3-phase equipment using a lightweight and highly portable handheld tester.

The test adaptor is connected to the PrimeTest 250 allowing quick and easy measurement of the earth continuity without removing covers or disconnecting wires to gain access to the protective conductor in the in-coming supply. When the 3-phase appliance is operating, the protective conductor current measured by the test adaptor is shown on the PrimeTest 250 display.

The new hand held PrimeTest 250 is the first electrical tester in its class to provide all the electrical tests required for compliance with the IEE Code of Practice for the In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment – and also includes a host of other features.

These additional tests include an RCD trip time test and a 250V DC insulation test suitable for testing sensitive electrical appliances and surge protected leads.

The Seaward TPA and Primetest 250 form part of a comprehensive range of portable appliance testers and accessories that meet all workplace electrical safety testing needs.

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