Santander signs up for Tridonics TALEXXengine

Tridonic has been involved in Santander UK plc, 2010 roll-out project to rebrand existing Alliance & Leicester external signage with the Santander corporate signage. A solution was required to provide a low energy LED system for a standard internal illuminated sign, external light trough unit and internally illuminated Flex Box Sign.

Tridonic’s TALEXXengine image system was chosen for the project in 1075mm, 445mm and 265mm units. This involved the use of over 2,700 mixed TALEXX images and in excess of 2000 converters. Santander is one of the largest bank in the Eurozone and the world in terms of market capitalisation. Insignia Projects Limited was given the task of selecting the best option for the new signs and chose Tridonic’s TALEXXengine for its consistency of illumination levels across the estate and the reduction in maintenance for replacement lamps due to the greater operating hours of LED’s above those of fluorescent lamps. The signage illumination was designed by Insignia following trials using TALEXXengine. As a unit, Tridonic’s TALEXXengine system can be used with products from one manufacturing company which provides consistency in illumination levels and the size of the unit allows it to be fitted into standard signage construction. As part of the company's wide range of LED products, the TALEXXengine is a set of application-oriented, connection-ready LED solutions characterised by extremely simple handling and exceptional flexibility. The TALEXXmodule, TALEXXstrip and TALEXXchain product lines (round or square LED modules, strips and chains) are perfectly matched components that are ideal for any application, from architectural lighting to signage.

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