Important changes for WEEE disposal
The system in the United Kingdom for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has undergone a significant change. February 17 marked the end of evidence trading at a Settlement Centre and has been replaced with compliance schemes now having to agree trading directly amongst themselves with use of the evidence of recycling distributed by WEEE recyclers.
'2013 WEEE Regulations, Evidence Trading' was announced by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) in February.
Previously, a Settlement Centre based in Glasgow which was run by BIS was responsible for issuing evidence notes for the recycling of WEEE.
Approved Authorised Treatment Facilities (AATFs) are then able to issue evidence concerning the treatment and recovery of WEEE, evidence which is required by Producer Compliance Schemes.
AATFs reprocess WEEE and also issue evidence per tonne which proves the WEEE has been recycled and reprocessed.
Since changes were introduced following a recent consultation, it is now compulsory for all producers to join a Producer Compliance Scheme, unless they fall below a certain threshold, which exempts producers who place less than five tonnes of WEEE per year.
Producer Compliance Schemes each have a set target in numerous WEEE categories, including light recycling which is placed on the market.
As a result of the abolishment of the Settlement Centre system, it is hoped by BIS that transparency and clear-cut rules have come about resulting from the concept of Producer Compliance Schemes reaching agreements amongst themselves concerning evidence.
Dexreco prides itself on conducting the safe and secure disposal of fluorescent lights amongst other WEEE.
The Dexreco process ensures the safe disposal of harmful chemicals, such as mercury. Over 95% of products collected by Dexreco are recycled or reused, not only reducing disposal within landfill sites, but also reduced the energy needed for the production of future materials.
If you are looking for safe and secure lighting disposal collections of 250 or more light fittings are free, with the exception of any emergency luminaires which contain batteries.
Dexreco also offers expertise on the most effective way for your business to recycle in line with current WEEE legislation and what impact this could have on your business.
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