BASEC safety warning: Kaydour cables

The British Approvals Service for Cables (BASEC) has contacted EPA to ask us to help get the word out about a problem with ‘Kaydour’ branded armoured cables - commonly used for low-voltage power distribution around building sites and within buildings. The product in question is multi-core PVC sheathed XLPE insulated steel wire armoured cable, in various sizes, which is claimed to comply with BS 5467.

BASEC’s independent testing, however, has indicated a number of serious faults including excessive conductor resistance and excessive armour resistance.

Conductors are up to two standard sizes smaller than that marked on the cables, which could result in overloading and overheating in use. The armour resistance may also result in ineffective earthing. The cables can be identified by the brand name Kaydour printed on the cable sheath - these cables are not BASEC approved or marked BASEC.

Jeremy Hodge, chief executive for BASEC said: "It is understood that the cables originate from India and have been distributed in the UK through at least one supplier. It is not known if all cable with the Kaydour marking is suspect, however any contractors or installers who are aware that these cables have been installed in premises should immediately test installations for capacity, performance and safety. If safety concerns are raised, it is recommended that the affected cables are removed and replaced by approved cables.

"We would also encourage end users to check their purchase documentation, design specifications and test their installation to ensure that the applied loading and earthing are acceptable. Findings should then be recorded in documentation."

Suzanne Gill

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